Настройка зачисления на курс

1) authors/teachers: Ph.D., Sukhanov Sergey Ivanovich.;
2) level of education: master's degree program;
3) code and name of the direction of training: 09.04.03 - Applied Informatics (a profile "Digital Technologies of Data Analysis for Sustainable Development of Regions in Central and Northern Asia.");
4) form of training: full-time/online;
5) institute, course, semester: Institute of Mathematics and Information Technology, I semester.

The training course "GPS   Measurement and Vector Data Processing Technologies"   is focused on the preparation of masters (direction 09.04.03: Applied Informatics ;   Profile: "Digital Data Analysis   Technologies  for Sustainable Development of the   Regions of North and   Central Asia "). The purpose of mastering the academic discipline is the acquisition of basic   knowledge and skills in the field of GPS measurement and GIS technologies, the use of tools for measuring the spatial location of objects, digital technologies for analyzing spatial vector data. The course was developed within the framework of the state assignment of Altai State University "Turkic World of the Greater Altai": unity and diversity in history and modernity (project number - 748715F.99.1.BB97AA00002). 

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